
Taking a snapshot involves creating a copy of the allowlist or collection holders at a specific time.

By scheduling a snapshot, creators can already check the status of their allowlist and confirm the registration of the user participants or get their collection holders’ list.

How to add a Snapshot

1. Go to your allowlist dashboard and click Snapshot under the Creator Category.

2. Click on + New, then Set a Title for your Snapshot.

3. Fill up the necessary details on the form.

  • Webhook URL (Optional)

    This is where you can set a url to receive a notification when the snapshot is taken. As this is an advanced feature, you can leave it blank unless you would like to set up a server to receive a notification to do any arbitrary actions on your side.

  • Collections

    You can add your project to check its current holders’ addresses in this category.

  • Projects

    If you want to add wallet addresses from snapshots to the existing allowlist you set up, you can select the project. Once the snapshot is taken, the wallet addresses from the snapshot will be added to the allowlist you selected.

  • Schedule

    You can set the time and day to when you want the snapshot to occur here.

  • Execution

    You can see all the snapshots executed here and have the option to download them.

Last updated