Add Winner Announcement on Discord

To enable this feature, make sure that the Discord requirement is enabled in the "Requirements" section of the allowlist manager. This ensures that only users who are in the designated Discord server are eligible for winning. Once this requirement is enabled, the winner announcement option will appear, allowing you to announce winners to the designated Discord server

  1. Click on Discord

  1. Click on Announcement

  1. Select the Discord channel where you want the winner announcement to be made

  1. To enable automatic winner announcement on Discord once a raffle is finalized, check the box that says "Announce winner on Discord when finalizing a raffle" and hit save.

  1. To pick and announce a winner, simply click "Finalize raffles" in the Raffle section of the entry list. Remember that once a raffle is finalized and the winner is announced on Discord, this action cannot be undone, so be sure you're ready to proceed before finalizing the raffle.

Discord Winner Announcement:

With easy management of allowlist and winner announcements, you'll be able to focus on what matters most - your project and collectors!

Last updated