Entry List

There are three key sections within the Entry list: Entries, Pruning, and Raffle.

  1. In the Entries section, you can view and manage all the entries for your allowlist, including bulk adding and updating wallet addresses, and customizing entry status. This section also allows you to export the full list and view past exports.

  2. The Prune section enables you to remove unwanted entries based on specific criteria, such as IP address, wallet balance, Twitter followers, and Twitter account age. You can preview the percentage of entries that will be disqualified and will remain.

  3. In the Raffle section, we can randomly select entries for your allowlist or waitlist. You can specify the number of entries to choose from, manually edit winner statuses, and export the list. Finalizing the raffle will notify registrants if they have won if they provided an email address.

In the Entries section of the Allowlist Manager, you can view all the entries for your allowlist in HeyMint. There are three subsections available:

  1. + Add entries: you can bulk add wallet addresses by using multiple lines.

  1. Bulk Update entriesPruning is removing unqualified entries after the allowlist registration and can be done based on different qualifications. Pruning helps to ensure that only eligible participants are included in the final list

    : If you want to update the current entry list to make all of the entries in pending, disqualified, winner, or waitlist status, you can export the full list and then bulk add and edit the status. You can also search using the search bar if you want to manually change the status of a single entry.

  1. Export Full List: When you click on the "Export Full List" button, it will automatically download a CSV file containing all the entries in the list. This can be useful if you need to do a bulk update or share it with others. If you click on the "View Past Exports" button under the Export Full List button, you can see a list of all the CSV files that you have previously exported.

Last updated