Create an Allowlist

Step 1: Create your HeyMint Account

To get started, head to the HeyMint Allowlist website and sign up for an account. You can sign up by connecting your Google account, Twitter, or Discord.

Step 2: Create a new allowlist

Once you're signed in, navigate to “My Allowlists” and click on "Create a new allowlist". You'll be asked to give your allowlist a name, custom url, description and details about your project and what collectors can expect by joining.

Step 3: Set up your allowlist requirements and registration details

HeyMint provides a robust set of allowlist requirements that you can use to verify that the right collectors join your list. You can, for example, require collectors to have a certain amount of Ethereum or perhaps another coin in their wallets, or that they follow your Twitter account and retweet one of your tweets. You can also require collectors to have a specific NFT before they can register for your allowlist! Choose the requirements that are most relevant to your project.

Step 4 (optional): Add/remove team members

If you want to make your allowlist management easier, you can add team members or admins to help you out. Under the "Admin" section, you can add or remove team members as needed.

Step 5: Activate your allowlist

Before collectors can register, you need to activate your allowlist. Click on the "Activate" button and HeyMint will provide you with a unique link that you can share with your community which you can share on your website, discord, or social media profiles.

Last updated