
This page allows you to set specific requirements for your allow list. In order to require any of the items below, simply fill out the appropriate field and save the info. No additional step is necessary.

Wallet balance requirements: You can set requirements for the balance users have in their wallets.

To set a Solana balance requirement, please ensure that you have selected "Solana" as the blockchain in the Basic Information section under Details.

In order to require any of the items below, simply fill out the appropriate field and save the info.

  1. Wallet balance requirements:

    You can set requirements for the balance users have in their wallets.

  2. NFT ownership requirements:

    You can set requirements for the NFT tokens users already own.

  3. ERC-20 token balance requirements

    You can set requirements for the balance users have of a specific ERC-20 token.

  4. Allow unverified wallets

    You can allow collectors to sign up with an unverified wallet address. If enabled, it is highly recommended to have Twitter and/or Discord requirements in place in order to prevent spam entries.

    This allows collectors to sign up without guaranteeing wallet ownership, so it should be used with caution, especially if asking custom questions that may have an impact on the wallet owner (for example, if you are giving out tangible prizes that are unable to be sent to the wallet address, such as t-shirts).

  5. Twitter followers

    Specify which Twitter account users must be following

  6. Support HeyMint's mission

    ✨ This platform is a 100% free tool that we don't make any money from at all. Our mission is to help as many creators save money so more creators can afford to enter the Web3 space.

    It would mean the world to us if you'd consider asking your audience to follow our Twitter @heymintxyz as part of your requirements. Doing so will help us share our free tools with as many people as possible! ✨

  7. Tweets

    Specify a tweet that users must have liked or retweeted (**Only RT will be included, not quote tweet)

  8. Specify which Discord community(s) users must be a member of and which roles they are required to have. Up to 5 servers and unlimited roles may be added.

  9. Email requirements

    This allows you to email updates to your allow list members

  10. Password

    This allows you to set a custom password which users must enter correctly to register for the list.

  11. Custom questions

    This allows you to add custom questions to the requirements.

  12. Require collectors to pre-save your music (powered via

Last updated