Connect your Discord account

Step-by-step instructions on how to enable the Discord Integration feature in the allowlist manager.

  1. Click on Allowlist Manager

  1. Click on Settings

  1. Click on Connect with Discord

  1. Click on Authorize

  1. Click on My allowlists

  1. Select the allowlist you want to integrate the HeyMint bot in and add a Discord requirement (Project settings > Requirements > Select Discord server > Invite our bot > Fetch roles).

  1. Click on Discord

  1. Click on Connect and Authorize

  1. Click on Select a server

  1. Click on "here" to invite the bot to your server

  1. Select your server and press Continue

  1. Click on Authorize

  1. To confirm whether HeyMint Bot has been successfully invited to your Discord server, you can check the member list of the channel where you want the bot to appear.

Last updated