Add a Discord role requirement and multiplier

The Discord role multiplier is a feature that allows you to give community members with specific roles a greater chance of winning raffles.

For example, if your community has a role for multiple token holders, you can assign a multiplier value of 2 to that role. This means that members with that role will have twice as many odds of winning than members without that role. This feature is an excellent way to incentivize community engagement and encourage participation in community events.

  1. Go to Requirements and scroll down to Discord requirements

  2. Click on Add a Discord server

  3. Select your server

  4. Paste your Invite link

  5. Click on Invite our bot

  1. Authorize HeyMint bot

  1. Click on Fetch roles

  2. Click on Add a role requirement

  3. Select role

  4. Edit raffle multiplier

  5. Select member requirement (All or only 1 if you added multiple servers)

  6. Click Save

Last updated